
Gay pride revelers in Sao Paulo reclaim Brazil's national symbols

Font size+Author:Planet Patch news portalSource:health2024-06-03 17:58:49I want to comment(0)

SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP) — The iconic yellow and green of Brazil’s flag mixed with a sea of rainbow-co

SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP) — The iconic yellow and green of Brazil’s flag mixed with a sea of rainbow-colored tutus, hand fans and drag queen hairdos at Sunday’s LGBTQ+ pride parade in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

The annual event along Sao Paulo’s main thoroughfare is among the biggest gay pride celebrations in the world, attracting thousands of people to celebrate the sexual diversity in a country synonymous with street partying but where violence and discrimination against members of the LGBTQ+ community has surged in recent years.

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