
Construction Begins on Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum in Xinjiang

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Construction Begins on Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum in Xinjiang

 June 7, 2023

Construction of the first comprehensive intangible cultural heritage museum in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, situated in the capital city of Urumqi, began on May 31.

With a floor area of approximately 13,000 square meters, the museum aims to complete its main structure by the end of this year.

Construction Begins on Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum in Xinjiang
Photo taken on July 31, 2022 shows that Hatma Enedu (L) is performing embroidery under the guidance of Lu Fuying (R) at an intangible cultural heritage exhibition in Urumqi, capital of northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. [Xinhua/Zhou Ye]


"Xinjiang has abundant intangible cultural heritage resources, which hold rich cultural significance. We need a dedicated space to systematically protect and pass on those resources," said Xu Ruijun, secretary of the leading Party members group of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Xinjiang.

Once completed, the museum will serve as a platform for exhibiting, preserving and promoting intangible cultural heritage items. It will also facilitate interactive and experiential activities, educational tours, public services and sightseeing opportunities.

The museum was designed by the Architectural Design & Research Institute at the South China University of Technology in Guangzhou City, south China's Guangdong Province.

He Jingtang, chief architect of the institute and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, revealed that the central hall will feature 56 pillars symbolizing unity among the 56 ethnic groups in China.

The museum will showcase Xinjiang's remarkable achievements in preserving its intangible cultural heritage, encompassing traditional music, dances, musical instruments, sports, literature, cuisine, handicrafts and festivals.

Xinjiang boasts 5,425 representative intangible cultural heritage projects, among which three have been inscribed on UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage list, with an additional 94 designated as national intangible cultural heritage projects.


(Source: People's Daily Online)


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